Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Thursday, September 11 bias et al

If you were absent yesterday, please check the blog and collect the handout. You must choose one of the 5 case scenarios and write a 100 word response, in order to get credit for the day.

Please read the following 5 pages carefully, noting especially the terms:

1. stereoptype, 2. prejudice, 3. bias and 4. discrimination.

Be prepared tomorrow to write out a definition of each of 

these.  I scanned the reading in; hence it is smaller than I

easier viewing.  I suggest you write out the definitions, so as 

to be able to use these terms precisely.

It has come to my attention from several students that the noise level is too loud for them to read. If you choose not to read, it is extremely important that you whisper with a neighbor. Do not move seats for group conversations. 

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