Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday, November 19, choosing your news story topics

Learning Target: I can analyze my perspective news story for the 5 w's and h of news writing, so as to organize the steps I need to write a successful story.

Assignment: due by the end of class on Tuesday, November 25  Your own news stories. General directions: 250-300 word maximum

                                              solid lead
                                              at least one quote
                                              headline  (watch capitalization rules!)
                                              no passive voice
                                          punctuation / grammar
                                          remember this is not an essay; you have very small paragraphs. See models at the end of the blog.
            All news stories must be posted on the blog.

Are you getting it right? Read the rubric and grade yourself!

Topic choices below: see me, if you have another idea. Due today. Post to the blog with your name, your story selection with six questions relating to the 5 W's and H. 

For example: Parker
   I have decided to write a story about male students' footwear.
   Who: Senior male students at SOTA (I've decided to narrow my topic)
     What: check out a dozen pairs of footwear; note colors / brands. I need to do some background research.
     When: I need to talk to three people. Do they wear the same shoes everyday? Get some quotes; make sure I spell their names correctly.
       Where: where do they purchase footwear? malls? independent shops? on-line? Goodwill?     
          Why: Why these styles? 

           How: How do they feel in wearing this footwear? Identify with someone? Personal identity? 
There will be duplicates; that's fine. All news articles must be posted to the blog by the end of class on Tuesday. If you are having problems, you'll know when you post today. I suggest you create a word document and copy and paste, so as not to lose your work. 


parking woes

college application pressures
traffic tickets
body art
sports / teams at SOTA- this can be broken down into subtopics
volunteerism at SOTA- this can be broken down into subtopic
school security: morning scanning / during the day
riding the bus
lunch excursions
bumper stickers
measuring up to an older sibling
passing time in the hall
personalizing a locker
part time jobs
tardy / absenteeism
hair styles: male / female
behind the scene: theatre / teching, etc
life as a middle schooler
senior economics
vending machines
fashion: male / female---choose an item
the reality of senior year (economic / social / frustrations / fears)
have you an idea for something more serious?

 Rubric for evaluating inverted pyramid stories

Ace reporter 

This story — so professional one would think it were cut from a professional news publication — convincingly demonstrates mastery of the inverted pyramid form by doing the following:

 with precision, arranges the key facts of the story from most important to least important

 relegates background information — information the writer could have known before the event — to a place below all new information

 is devoid of unattributed opinion

 artfully illustrates points with interesting, well-punctuated and well-attributed quotations; a transition is used to introduce each quotation.

 is a model of brevity, using few words to maximum effect.

 avoids passive voice except in the rare cases when it is merited

  shows few, if any, errors in the conventions of written English

This solid inverted pyramid story, while not as impressive as that written by the Ace Reporter, consistently does most or all of the following:

 arranges the key facts of the story from most important to least important

 generally relegates background information — information the writer could have known before the event — to a place below all new information

 is devoid of unattributed opinion

 illustrates points with interesting, well-punctuated and well-attributed quotations; a transition is used to introduce each quotation

 is for the most part concise

 generally avoids passive voice except in the rare cases when it is merited

  shows few, if any, errors in the conventions of written English.

This story suggests general awareness of the requirements for an inverted pyramid story, but does not suggest great prowess in meeting those requirements. This lead does much or all of the following:  

 unconvincingly arranges the facts of the story from most important to least important

 in some cases, fails to keep background information in its place at the bottom of the story

 may include minor unattributed opinion

 sometimes illustrates points with quotations but may do so awkwardly and without adequate transitions or

 shows too little attention to the need for brevity

 may slip into passive voice

  shows some errors in the conventions of written English.

These story doesn’t meaningfully address the assignment. This lead does much or all of the following:

 either does not have all the basic facts or shows clear errors in organizing them from most to least important

 fails to keep background information in its place at the bottom of the story

 is bereft of meaningful, supportive quotations; may fail to introduce quotations at all

 includes significant unattributed opinion

 noticeable over-use of the passive voice

 is wordy

  shows multiple errors in the conventions of written English.

(Note: The fact that a person is speaking to students is not in and of itself newsworthy; stories should focus on what a person says, not the fact that he/she has spoken.)


Snowstorm, Frigid Temperatures Whack over Half of the U.S., More Coming

By Ray Sanchez and Faith Karimi, CNN
Snowstorms and record low temperatures whacked much of the country this week -- and there's more havoc coming Wednesday.
About 50% of the country had snow on the ground Tuesday,according to the National Weather Service.New York, one of the hardest-hit, is buried under 6 feet of snow -- and counting.
"This storm is basically a knife that went right through the heart of Erie County," Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz said. "I can't remember and I don't think anyone else can remember this much snow falling in this short a period."Another blast of cold air will hammer the Midwest and Northeast on Wednesday while the Southeast could see record lows as temperatures drop into the teens and 20s.
Snow fatalities
At least four people were killed in the storm.
One of the storm-related deaths was a car accident, Erie County officials said. Three others were cardiac arrests the resulted from shoveling.
Some places have seen more than 5 feet of snow while others could see 7 1/2 feet more after another round of wintry weather hits this week.
The equivalent of a year's worth of snow is going to pound some areas over a three-day period, Poloncarz said.
"It's probably heavier than anything that we have seen in over 40 years, so it's going to take some time to dig out," Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown said.
Trapped at the police station
The snow left people stranded in cars and turned roadways into parking lots. It also forced residents to seek shelter in unusual places.
About 20 people took refuge at a fire station and 20 others holed up in a police station Tuesday night, authorities said.
And as they waited, those at the fire station got a teeny weeny gift.
A baby girl was delivered there when an ambulance was unable to take her mother to the hospital, Buffalo Fire Commissioner Garnell Whitfield said.
"She was born, she's safe and she's healthy," Whitfield said.
Trapped for over a day
New York state troopers rescued the Niagara University women's basketball team early Wednesday after it got stuck on a bus for more than 24 hours due to a snowstorm.
"We're really tired and really ready to be home," head coach Kendra Faustin said after the rescue.
The team sat on the side of a highway, unable to move, for more than 24 hours. It was on its way home from a game in Pittsburgh when it got stuck.
In a Skype interview with CNN's Don Lemon before the rescue, the coach explained how they got trapped.
"The roads weren't plowed. It got really bad really fast," Faustin said. "I'm assuming that somebody in the front of the line got stuck and everybody else had to stop, and that's how we got where we are."
For hours, she said, the snow was coming down so hard that they couldn't see anything surrounding the bus.
"It seems to be getting better, (it's) what we're hoping," she said. "But more importantly we're just hoping to get on the move."
Buffalo's not alone
All 50 states registered temperatures below freezing Tuesday morning.
Traditionally warm states were not spared, either. Temperatures at Mauna Kea on Hawaii's Big Island dipped to 31 degrees while Florida's Panhandle was in the upper 20s, with freeze warnings in effect.
And it's not over: Another surge of cold air will likely hit the Midwest and Northeast from Wednesday to Thursday. The Southeast could see record lows Wednesday morning as temperatures drop into the teens and 20s.
The cause of this mayhem: Arctic air pouring over the relatively warm Great Lakes waters is producing extreme lake-effect snows.
Lancaster, New York, has already received over 40 inches of snow, and it continues to snow 4 to 5 inches per hour.
Nationwide record
Tuesday was the coldest November morning since 1976, according to meteorologist Ryan Maue of WeatherBELL Analytics. The average overnight low for the Lower 48 states was 19.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
That's unusual for this time of year, and is much more reminiscent of a pattern forecasters would expect to see in January or February.
In Buffalo area, a state of emergency is under effect, including a travel ban for 19 municipalities. Only emergency vehicles are allowed to travel.


  1. Summer Adams
    Ms. Parker
    Topic: Body Art
    Who: Students and adults around SOTA
    What: Speak to the faculty and students that attend/ work at SOTA that have tattoos, piercings and any other forms of image modifications.
    When: Throughout free periods and down time in classes I will talk to these people on their decisions, regrets and meanings behind their art.
    Where: where is your preferred tattoo shop? Piercing shop? Place to go to buy things essential to making yourself stand out?
    Why: Why this art? What caused you to want this?
    How: How do you now feel after having it for sometime? Does it bore you or are you still as in love with it as you first were?

  2. Nikki Ehmann
    News ArticleTopic

    Part-time Jobs

    Who: High School students at SOTA
    What: Interview three students with part time jobs on how it affects their school work and social life, interview three students without part time jobs on how much free time they have and if they could imagine working one.
    When: When do they work/hours per week?
    Where: Where do they work?
    Why: Why do they have a part time job? Is it for fun, financial reasons, experience, etc.?
    How: How did they get the job? How is the money spent? (material items, put into savings, etc.)

    1. **Students in and outside of SOTA, as well as tattoo artists.

  3. Elaine Dolan
    I have decided to write a story about body art and why young people choose to get body art.

    Who: Students at SOTA with tattoos, multiple piercings, stretched ears, etc.
    What: Talk to three people with body art.
    When: When did they decide to enhance their appearance with body art? Why?
    Where: Where do they get their body art (tattoo parlors, where they buy their jewelry, etc.)?
    Why: Why these styles?
    How: How is this related to one’s personal identity?

  4. For example: Philip
    I’ve decided to write a news story about locker personalization.
    Who: Any and all high-schooler’s everywhere.
    What: If students should be able to personalize their lockers, and if so, how much (I.e. paint, Duck Tape, stickers, etc.)
    Where: Their locker location.
    When: when would they have the time to paint their lockers outside of classroom time.
    Why: Freedom of expression.
    How: How do they feel it is appropriate to correctly represent them through their locker, while being school appropriate?

  5. Maritza Stehnach
    I have decided to write a story about electronics in school
    Who: Students at School of the Arts
    What: Interview at least three people asking how they feel about the new policies on electronics
    When: How often do students use their phones for assignments according to their majors? Do they prefer to do said assignments in school?
    Where: When should we be allowed to use electronics?
    Why: Why are we not allowed to use phones at all?
    How: How do they feel not being able to use their phones? Is it appropriate for administrators to take personal property for as long as they do?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Life as a middle schooler

      Who: Middle Schoolers of School of the Arts. I will interview both seventh and eighth graders.
      What: What’s it like your first year? What’s it like being an eighth grader? ...
      When: When did you begin to get comfortable? Do you feel like an outsider or do you feel like a part of the school, when did the transition take place?
      Where: Where are your lockers/ classes compared to high schoolers? Where’s the cool place to hang out before classes?...
      Why: Why will depend on their answers to my previous questions.
      How: How do you feel about your first year so far? How do you feel about entering high school?

  7. Angelica Scott
    I have decided to write a news story about beneficial relationships between teachers and students

    Beneficial relationships between students and teachers
    Who: Staff and students at SOTA
    What: A friendly, mentoring, close relationship between students and teachers
    When: I need to talk to a pair of three relationships to see how close they are or what they do for each other. The way they depend on each other, the way they interact, etc.
    Where: Anywhere in the building
    Why: To see what the person can benefit out of the relationship or what their relationship with each other means to them
    How: How do they feel about each other

  8. I’ve decided to write about bumper stickers.
    Who: People with cars and bumper stickers
    What: Look at bumper stickers and collect information about how people feel
    When: I need to talk to a few people and ask them how they feel about bumper stickers
    Where: Somewhere cars are with bumper stickers, parking lot
    Why: Why the stickers
    How: How do they feel about them, is it important to what they feel.

  9. DyNesha Burns
    I have decided to write a story on the use of foul language at SOTA
    Who: teachers and student points of view on bad language
    What : what can be done about the bad language in school? Is it even a real issue? What is the context? When is it okay for teachers to say it and students to not say it?
    When: whenever I have time, I’m going to interview two different types of teachers When is it appropriate, if ever, for teachers or students to say foul language?
    Where: Where is the problem actually coming from?
    Why: Why is it a problem? Why do students feel as though they must use foul language?
    How: How do the teachers feel? How can people limit the bad language?

  10. Diamond Proctor
    I’ve decided to write a news story about protective female hair styles
    Who: Women who like to protect their natural hair.
    What: What are some ways they can have flawless hair without ruining or damaging their own?
    When: I need to talk to five people. Do they wear the same style every day? Do they damage their hair sometimes or never? How often to re-do it. Get some quotes; make sure I spell their names correctly.
    Where: Where do they discover protective styles? Where do they buy the supplies and products?
    Why: Why these styles? Why protect your hair (list some of the benefits).
    How: How do they feel this benefits them in the long run? How do they do these styles. List different ways to style your natural hair.

  11. Hannah Schneible

    Life as a middle schooler

    Who- All SOTA students, all majors and gender

    What- How is/was their life as a middle schooler? What classes were the hardest? Who is/was your favorite/ least favorite teacher?

    When- When was your favorite time during middle school? When was middle school the hardest?

    Where- What floor is the most popular? Where do you like to hangout during passing time?

    Why- Why did you choose SOTA for middle school? What did you enjoy of your entire time as a middle schooler?

    How- How do you feel middle school at SOTA prepared you for high school?

  12. Nick Petrone
    Ms. Parker
    19 November 2014
    Sports Teams at SOTA
    Who: Sports teams here at SOTA, either being modified, Junior Varsity, or Varsity
    What: How are sports teams here at SOTA, are they succeeding or under achieving or are they average.
    When: The most popular sports here at SOTA would be Soccer during the Fall, basketball during the Winter, and Baseball during the Spring season.
    Where: Where do these sports take place? Are there any designated spots for SOTA to play at for any of their sports teams?
    Why: Why do people at SOTA play sports? For fun? Hang out with friends? Very involved in the sport?
    How: Do the kids who play get a sense of empowerment or do they play it just for and to stay involved?

  13. Katie Murrer
    Journalism Per 3
    19, November 2014

    -Personalizing a locker
    Who: A student from each grade 9-12. And four different teachers
    What: See how students think and faculty members think about decorating and painting the outside of lockers.
    When: I need to talk to a student from each grade. I would ask the students if they would like to decorate the outside of their lockers. Like in the show victorious the students at this art school decorate their lockers.
    Where: In SOTA
    Why: Would this show more of the art side of the school and a better representation of each student personalities.
    How: How do you feel about this? Do you think this would be a good idea for all high school students or should just be for seniors? Do you think that decorating the lockers would show a better representation of the Arts?

  14. Sidney
    I have decided to write a story about body art.
    Who: Senior students and faculty.
    What: Is this becoming more of a popular thing to do? Do students feel they need to in order to increase their status? Check out a dozen students and a half a dozen faculty members that have body art then do some research on popular body art.
    When: I need to talk to 4 students and 4 faculty members. Do they have the same body art? Or do they share a similar theme? Get some quotes and spell their name correctly.
    Where: Where do they get their body art done? Tattoo shops? tattoo and piercing shops? the city? outside of the state?
    Why: Why these styles? Why this specific body art and in this specific area?
    How: How do you feel about your body art? Identify with someone? Personal identity? Special significance? How do you think you’ll feel about them ten, twenty years from now?

  15. Morgan
    I have decided to write a story about Lunch excursions
    Who: Seniors and Juniors at SOTA
    What: I need to figure out where people like to go for lunch and note when they go there, Such as winter or summer.
    When: I need to talk to 5 Students about where they go for lunch during the different seasons and if it changes.
    Where: Where do they go for lunch? Do they bring lunch or buy it?
    Why: Why do they go there? Is it a popular spot? Do a lot of kids from SOTA go there?
    How: How are you treated at these places? Do they let you bring in outside food? Do they make you leave if you don’t buy food? Juniors: Do you think you’ll still go there your senior year?

  16. Nathan Pembrook
    Picking News Story

    I have decided to write a story about passing time in the hall.

    Who: Senior students at SOTA
    What: Observe what students do in the halls during passing time
    When: Talk to a few people, get some quotes regarding how they pass the time
    Where: Where do they tend to congregate, what is the best place to hang out
    Why: What is the allure?
    How: Do students use phones before end of classes to find out where friends are meeting before next class?

  17. Ethan Gresko
    I have decided to write a story about students going out to lunch
    WHO: 11th and 12th graders going out to lunch
    WHAT: Note places to buy food in the area, or surrounding area of SOTA
    WHEN: Talk to 11th and 12th graders, note who has licenses, who likes to walk, how far they will walk in the amount of time given during lunch
    WHERE: Where do people like to go?
    WHY: Why do they choose these places?
    HOW: How do they feel about the choices they make for lunch?

  18. Veronica Mariano
    I have decided to write about seniors at SOTA with part time jobs.
    Who: SOTA seniors with part time jobs
    What: Is it difficult to balance school and work especially your senior year? Applying to colleges or figuring out future plans?
    When: What are your hours? Are the consistent? Do you like your hours? Would you rather have more or less hours?
    Where: Where are you employed? Do you like working where you work?
    Why: Why do you choose to have a part time job while attending school?
    How: How do you balance school and work?

  19. Lauryl Sandman

    I am going to write a news story about cliques at SOTA.

    Who: 3 different students at SOTA, 2 teachers
    What: Do you feel that there are cliques at SOTA?
    When: If not, do you feel that there were cliques at one time? If so, do you believe that these cliques have stayed consistent throughout the years?
    Where: Do you think cliques would cause alienation?
    Why: Why do you feel teenagers form cliques?
    How: How do you think cliques are formed?

  20. I’m writing about cliques
    What: Do you consider yourself to be in a clique?
    Who: Class of 2015. Who is in your “clique?”
    Why: Do you feel uncomfortable with other groups? Is race a factor? Does your clique affect your academic motivation and achievement?
    When: When did you join/form your clique? Have you ever switched?
    Where: Is high school a catalyst for clique style social life?

  21. Quinn Weisenreder

    I have decided to write about the domestication of cats.

    Who: all cats
    What: Dogs are more domesticated then cats. Wild cats and domesticated cats are very similar.
    When: Ask numerous people about their personal opinions and experiences on cats and dogs.
    Where: Where was the pet from? stray? wild? domesticated?
    Why: New genome sequence shows domesticated cats are too similar to wild cats. Will cats ever be as domesticated as dogs?

  22. I have decided to write a story about people’s varying experiences riding the bus.
    Who: People on a crowded bus, as well as less crowded
    What: What are people’s attitudes toward riding the bus to and from school?
    When: Do students ride the bus every day?
    Where: How far do they live/what part of Rochester?
    How: How do people’s attitudes vary from crowded to less crowded buses?

  23. Topic: I have decided to write about what kinds of music seniors like
    Who: School of the Arts Seniors
    Why: To have a better understanding of senior culture and prevalent types of music
    What: The most popular and least popular types of music?
    When: What times do you most like to listen to music?
    Where: Does your location impact the types of music you listen to?
    How: Interview School of the Arts seniors

  24. Alexis Mayfield
    Choosing College Location “
    Who: Senior students at School of the Arts
    What: What is their choice of location when it comes to tertiary education? In state, out of state?
    When: When are you planning on getting a higher education?
    Where: Where would you go?
    Why: Why that location?
    How: How do you think your choice may impact your life down the road?

  25. I have decided to write my story on what could be done to provide the seniors with a senior lounge.
    WHO: Seniors and administrators
    WHAT: The possibility of having a lounge
    WHEN: When would we be able to start the production of it? When could we use it?
    WHERE: Where in the school would it be?
    HOW: How can we start the process to making a new one.

  26. I have decided to write a story about body art
    Who? SOTA Students
    What? Purpose of tattoos and piercings
    When? When you own a piece of body art how do you feel?
    Where? Body parts
    Why? Why change your body?
    How? How does getting body art work?

  27. Tessa Garbacik
    Life as a middle schooler
    What: What is/was the best thing about being a middle schooler? What is the worst?
    Who: A few middle schoolers and a few high schoolers
    When: When did you begin to understand the school and how it operates?
    Where: Where do/did you spend most of your time?
    Why: Why did you choose SOTA?
    How: How is SOTA affecting you and how do you think your life would be different at a different school?

  28. Carly Swift-Horth

    The Reality of Senior Year

    Who: SOTA seniors, all majors and gender
    What: Reality of senior year. Is it what everyone expected? Better? Worse? Just what was imagined? Easy or hard? Stressful?
    Where: SOTA. How are classes? How are senior events?
    When: When did you get excited about being a senior? If not, when do you think you will be excited? If never, what is the one thing you’re looking forward to after being a senior in high school?
    Why: To see the perceptions everyone had before they entered this year and the reality of it all.
    How: How do you like your schedules? Is there anything you wish could have been changed (majors in the morning, more afternoon classes, etc.)?

  29. Nathaniel Torres

    I have decided to write about using electronics in school and about the new phone policies.

    Who: Juniors and Seniors at SOTA
    What: Interview 6 juniors and Seniors and see how they feel about the new phone policies.
    When: When should we be allowed to use our phones?
    Where: What classes should we be able to use phones in? In study hall? In gym?
    Why: Why have these policies been put into effect? Why cant we use our head phones while we are working? Why our these policies so intense?
    How: How do the students who have become accustomed to the old phone policies about the new one? Is it fair to have to serve a Saturday detention for having your phone out for a few seconds?

  30. Mystique Myrthil
    prd. 5
    I have decided to write about Vending Machines in school
    Who: SOTA high school students
    What: Vending machines. What kind of food selection should there be?
    When: Should vending machines be available during study halls, all day, etc. ?
    Where: School
    How: How do you feel about the vending machine changes?

  31. Betty Ralph
    I have to decided to write a news story regarding stereotype on Black Women and how they affect the way society perceives Black Women.
    Who: five men and five women randomly selected of various age and ethnicity
    What: What are some stereotypes about Black women that you are aware of? Do you agree with them?
    When: when did you become aware of these stereotypes? at what age?
    Where: Where do you hear these stereotypes used? at home? in school?
    Why: Why do you think these stereotype are used?
    How: How do you think these affect societies perception of Black Women? How do you think these stereotypes make Black Women feel? Do they embrace them?

  32. Deja Wormely

    I am writing my story on fashion and how certain trends are making a comeback.
    Who: Research which age groups wear these styles
    What: Research blogs and YouTube fashion videos to see what trends are becoming prevalent again
    When: When did these trends make its first appearance and when did they become popular again
    Where: Where can you shop to find these trends
    Why: Why are these trends becoming prevalent again
    How: How can an individual modernize these recycled trends to fit their lifestyle or culture?

  33. Nadine:
    I’ve decided to make a story about the life as an exchange Student at SOTA and how the students (Foreign and American) think about the situation.
    Who I will write about the three of us from Europe with similar ways of growing up, talking and seeing the world. And on the other side I want to ask some other students what they think about the exchange students.
    What I want to write about some problems and difficulties we had at the school and the biggest differences to Europe and how we feel about.
    (school rules, lunch, hallway passes, grades)
    Do the foreigners really have that many privileges?
    When I will meet them during lunch or outside of school and talk to them how they feel about so I’ll have to work out some questions I want to answer.
    The whole story should be about the last few weeks and not about the first impressions we might have had during the first month.
    Where The story is about the life at SOTA because I have the closest connection to this school around here because I’m here too.
    Why Why is the life so different and why is it a problem? Why does everybody think we have privileges because we’re foreign?
    How How do people realize that I’m/we’re foreign?

  34. I’ve decided to write my article on Behind the Scenes: plays/theatre/teching/costumes etc
    Who: SOTA students & directors
    What: audition process, preparation for shows, interpretation of plays, building/design techniques
    When: free periods and throughout the day
    Where: How do you decide what theater and props to use?
    Why: your interest in directing/ auditioning
    How: How do you feel before opening night? How do you decide what plays to choose? Do you ever want to quit or not be involved in a play again?

  35. I'm going to write an article on riding the bus.
    Who: SOTA students
    What: Do you ride the bus to school? From school?
    When: Do you ride the bus in the morning or afternoon or both? How long is your bus ride?
    Where: What part of the city do you live? How close is the bus stop to your house?
    Why: Do you ride the bus by choice?
    How: How do you feel about riding the bus? Is there anything you would change about the bus ride?

  36. Shantia Hunt
    Topic: Dance Department underfunding
    Who: SOTA dance teachers and dance majors
    What: Do dance classrooms have any broken items? How long have they been broken?how long does it take for something to be fixed?
    When: during Dance classes
    Where: dance hallway and classrooms
    Why: why are things broken in arts classroom?
    How: How do it feel to modify class or change things due to broken items.

  37. Seyvion Scott

    I have decided to write a story about riding the RTS bus.

    Who: Rochesterians using public transportation.
    What: What are your frustrations and/or pleasures when riding the RTS?
    When: When you ride the bus, what do you feel? When do you feel uncomfortable?
    Where: Where do you stand when waiting for your bus? What avenue? Which bus?
    Why: Why is it, at times, frustrating to ride the RTS? Why do you prefer the RTS versus a taxi?
    How: How do you pay for the bus fare? Which method or bus pass do you use? How do you deal with these issues?

  38. I have decided to write a news story about the differences between the expectations of the transition from high school to college and the realistic viewpoints.
    Who: Current high school students and college students
    What: What were your expectations pertaining to the transition between high school and college?
    When: How long have you’ve been feeling this way? When did you start feeling this way?
    Where: Do you think your location influences your decision? Where is/was your high school and where did you go or do you plan to go to college?
    Why: What made you think a certain way about the transition from high school to college? Why do you feel this way?
    How: How are your expectations different or similar to what you’ve really experienced?

  39. Alison Denk
    I have decided to my article on body art
    Who: Sota students
    What: Do you have tattoos? do you want tattoos? what age where you when you got it?
    when: when did you decide you wanted a tattoo? When did you get it?
    Where: where did you get the tattoo? where is it on your body?
    Why: why did you want the tattoo?
    how: how do you feel about it now? how did it feel when you got it? how do you think people perceive you with a tattoo?

  40. Claire
    I have decided to write a story about the college application process.
    Who: Seniors at SOTA
    What: what are they looking for in a college? (Size, population, demographics, location, competitiveness)
    When: I need to talk to four people. When are they applying to college?
    Where: Where is their ideal college location?
    Why: Why this college?
    How: How do they feel about college?

  41. I have decided to write a story about tattoos.
    Who: A group of 6 senior girls, finding their opinions on tattoos.
    What: What caused you to get the tattoo?
    When: When do you think it is appropriate to start getting tattoos?
    Where: Where do you have or would would you get a tattoo?
    Why: Why would you get a tattoo? Why do you have a tattoo?
    How: How do you think people will perceive you if you get or have a tattoo?
    How do you think you'll think the tattoo thirty years down the road?

  42. Zachary Orcutt
    I have decided to write a story about hockey leagues.
    Who: The players.
    What: What each league is about and the talent level there?
    When: When do they start playing? When do they feel it is too much?
    Where: Where do you have to go to play? Where you have to go to play at a high level?
    Why: Why do players make it this far?
    How: How do you make it up the ladder? How do they feel playing nonstop? How do they feel knowing they keep moving up the ladder?

  43. Taylor Simmons
    Topic- Perks of being a band major
    Who- Lead players of the two highest bands in SOTA (Wind Ensemble/Jazz Ensemble)
    When- 1st and 2nd period during the band’s rehearsal time
    Where- SOTA and the band room
    Why- Because we have a pretty easy major that has lots of benefits
    How- How do the lead players feel about being a band major?

  44. Aleja Wright

    I've decided to write my article on personalizing a locker.
    Who: High School Students at SOTA
    What: Do you personalize your locker? Is it organized? Messy? Plain?
    When: When do you have time to personalize?
    Where: At SOTA
    Why: Why did you personalize it? Does it reflect your individual self? Do you personalize at all?
    How: How did you personalize? Do you ever change your locker? How does your locker reflect you?

  45. Lu
    I have decided to write a story about body ink.
    Who: young people still in school
    What: what made you get the body ink? What is the importance of it? What is the purpose of getting body ink at such a young age? Who would let you get body ink under the age of 18? If you are getting body ink from someone that is willing to give it to you at a young age, why aren’t you worried about the outcome?
    When: people that want body ink should be legally allowed to get it at the current age of 18 because when you get it at a young age you really don’t know what you really want or why you even got it for. At the age of 18 you would understand stand yourself better and who you are and want to become, so with the body ink at the age 18 just like now 18 would be reasonable for you to get body ink.
    Where: at the age of 18 you should get body ink at a professional place where they know what they are doing and have clean tools to do your body ink because you are going to have it for you entire life.
    Why: why do you want body ink at a young age? What made you get it under the age of 18? Why does it matter if you have to wait until 18 to get your body ink? Would you rather have body ink that is bad because you are under 18 and getting it at a young age or would you rather get it when you’re of age at a professional place?
    How: how is body ink at a young age going to make you look cool? How are you going to deal with the regret after getting the body ink and it doesn’t come out the way you want it to? How would your guardians would feel about you getting body ink at such a young age? How would you be perceived with body ink at such a young age? Do you even care about your appearance for any professional things? (job, interview, school, volunteering, etc…)

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Timothy Schuler
    Topic: Passing time in the hall
    Who: Seniors at SOTA
    What: Do seniors find that they have enough time to get to class? Do they find other students socializing in the halls to be irritating?
    When: When do they have a hard time getting to class?
    Where: Which parts of the school are the most congested or difficult to travel through?
    Why: What makes passing time good or bad?
    How: What are your feelings while walking in the halls?

  48. Schneider

    I have decided to write a story about measuring up to an older sibling.

    Who: junior and senior students at SOTA (I've decided to narrow my topic).

    What: discuss with kids their older siblings and responsibilities they feel they have by being younger or their advantages.

    When: I need to talk to 3 people. Do they like having older siblings or feel it’s a responsibility to live up to someone. Get some quotes

    Where: do their older siblings live with them or are they in college, have their own home?

    Why: why do you feel positively or negatively about older siblings?

    How: do they get compared often to their siblings? Is it easier? Harder? Do you try to be similar or different from older siblings?

  49. Gena Driscoll
    My topic is truancy and absenteeism
    Who: Sota seniors.
    What: How many days have you been late this week? Absent?
    When: Does the early start of school make you more likely to come late? If so, what could fix this?
    Where: How far do you live from school? How do you get to school? Does the distance influence lateness?
    Why: What are the main reasons you miss school? Come late? What motivates you to come to school?
    How: What could be done to help students get to school on time every day?

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Jeremiah King
    I have chosen to write my article about the theater tech department, what it’s like working behind the scenes, and the impacts their work in tech has had on them.

    Who: Theater tech seniors and teachers (For the sake of experience)

    What: Talk to Tech students and ask about work experience and personal opinions and department

    When: When has tech applied to your life outside school?

    Where: The shop and Theater

    Why: Why did you choose Tech?

    How: How do you feel about your situation and class experiences?

  52. Darren Matthew

    I have decided to write a story about the Apple Corporation’s latest products.

    Who: Apple Corporation and their consumers.
    What: What customers are disappointed, or pleased about in their new line of products.
    When: In the last six months.
    Where: where do they purchase Apple products? Online? In Store?
    Why: Why are these products more or less appealing than others?
    How: How do you feel Apple has been conducting their product line?

  53. I have to decided to write a news story pertaining to conflicts leading to violence within the premises of SOTA.

    Who: SOTA students and administrators.
    What: what kind of conflicts is observed, and what is provoking these issues?
    When: when is the right time to speak with students about these conflicts?
    Where: where do you see these conflicts originating the most?
    Why: why does these problems continue to occurring?
    How: How are these conflicts getting resolved by the school officials, and what disciplines are being taken so it doesn't lead to violence?

  54. I have decided to write an article on UFC
    Who are the fighters involved?
    What interest you about UFC?
    When do you watch it?
    Where do you watch it?
    Why does this interest you?
    How does this sport influence you life?

  55. Topic: Students with Part-Time jobs
    Who: Interview two students who work part-time and two who don"t
    What: Does having a job benefit you? Is it more negative than positive? How do you balance school work and working?
    Where: Do you work close to home? Do you have easy access to your job?
    When: What kind of hours do you get? Do you work after school or strictly on the weekends?
    Why: Did your parents influence you to get a job? Did you want a job for yourself? What do you do with the money you earn from working? Does having a job leave you open to do other things? Do you feel a sense of normalcy from working?
    How: Does having a job work in your senior year? Is it possible to work and get good grades? DO you care more about working or about school?

  56. Ive decided to write a story on peoples body art, tattoos and piercings, and why they get them
    Who: High school students and Adults around the community
    What: See what kind of body art they have. Note style and placing
    Where: Mall? tattoo shops? village gate?
    Why: Why this tattoo and in this spot? why this pricing? religious beliefs?
    When: what age did they get body art done?
    How: how do you feel show off tattoo/pricing? do you hid it at time? is it harder to find jobs?

  57. I have decided to write my news story on the newly released film Interstellar and how the events portrayed in the movie could happen in reality.
    Who: It is a general story and review not directed towards one particular person or faction (I am writing this without a survey). Who are the people that can help stop destruction to the earth?
    What: Discovering and documenting the possibility that Interstellar travel is possible in the near future, and how climate change will force humans to find new methods of survival. What are the chances this can actually happen in the real world?
    When: I need to do some research on the mechanics behind interstellar travel, and find legitimate sources I can quote. When is a catastrophic event like this is set to happen or is it a gradual decline of the earth?
    Where: Majority of the movies setting set in space. Where in space can people go to pursue a new home for humans?
    Why: First off it is a good entertainment piece, and secondly it hones onto current issues such as climate change. Truthfully the reason Interstellar is even a movie is because the earth has become inhospitable. Why has the earth become a dangerous place for living organism?
    How: How is the world set to deal with the real life issue of climate change, if interstellar travel is not a realistic ideal?

  58. ClarissaTopic: Cliques
    Who: Young Teenagers in SOTA
    What: Talk to a few Cliques in SOTA
    When: Talk to three different Cliques. Do you have goals; if so what? When did clique form? When do you feel tired or irritated by the clique? How do you define yourself?
    Where: Where do you usually meet up? Hang-out?
    Why: Why did this clique form? Why are you in this particular clique?
    How: How do you feel in your clique? The Same? Different? How do you feel being in this clique a better person?

  59. Maya

    I decided to write about teachers in SOTA having or wanting tattoos.

    Who: Teachers at SOTA

    What: Do you have tattoos? Do you want tattoos? Has it effected your job? Did you get it before or after you were hired?

    When: When did you get the tattoo? Do you want another one?

    Where: SOTA, any other job applied to as a teacher

    Why: Why are tattoos bad/good? Why did you get one? Why that tattoo?

    How: Did it effect if you were hired/not hired to any job as a teacher? What happened when you got the tattoo after you were hired?

  60. Jamellah Craven

    I have decided to write a story about Sota Track team consistently winning but not receiving any recognition or credit.
    Who: Seniors who have ran or currently run for sota track team and the track coach
    What: what is their perception towards the school and how they support or do not support the team?
    When: When do they meet? When do they feel the deserve recognition. When do they want recognition? Do they want recognition?
    Where: where do there meets take place. Where do the travel and compete at.
    Why: Why do they feel unsupported or unrecognized?
    How: How do they think they can change the attitudes of people and get them to support the team?

  61. Phalyn Hayward

    I have decided to write an article about SOTA seniors' experiences from freshmen year to senior year.
    Who: SOTA seniors and possibly two freshmen.
    What: What has your SOTA high school experience been like? Have you noticed any changes in your friends? Your classes? Yourself?
    When: What is/has it been like in school? Out of school?
    Why: Do you feel like like things have changed since freshmen year? Have you come to any realizations about high school?
    How: How do you think high school will be for the next generation?

  62. Julia Vaughn
    I have decided to write an article about college applications
    Who: SOTA Seniors. I will interview seniors in our class and in other classes.
    What: Are seniors well-prepared to start the application process in the fall?
    When: Are deadlines too soon? Should students start sooner?
    Where: Are seniors more likely to find out how to complete an application at home or at school?
    Why: Many students know the pressure of the college application. Can 9-11 grade teachers do more to help prepare students for what is ahead?
    How: How can the college application process be made easier for 12th graders?

  63. Samiya Coney
    Ms. Parker
    21 November 2014
    Topic: Hair management: male/female

    Who: 4 females of different ethnicities, 4 males of different ethnicities
    What: Talk to 8 different students of different ethnicities and genders and ask them about their hair management. What do they like about their hair? What would you want to change about it? What do you do to get your hair to your preferred style?
    When: When do you get you hair done?
    Where: Where do you go to get you hair done?
    Why: Why do you like/dislike your hair type? Why would/wouldn't you want to change it?
    How: How often do you wash your hair?

  64. Lillian Feldman

    I am doing my story on piercings of Sota Students and Alumni.
    Who: Interview 4 SOTA students/ alumni of different genders/ethnicities on their piercings or lack thereof.
    What: Interview these students and alumni on the circumstances and stories surrounding their body piercings.
    When: When did you get these piercings?
    Why: Why did you get these piercings? Did they have any cultural or personal meaning?
    Where: Where did you get your piercings?
    How: How did you feel about these piercings?

  65. I decided to do a story on eighth period lunch excursions.

    Who: I will be interviewing a few of the many 11th and 12th graders of my eighth period lunch.
    What: Take note of stores or any places to purchase food, at what circumstances would they be able to go get the food?, and do they mindlessly splurge on savory snacks everyday or are they spending wisely?
    When: Do they pay everyday for food? Do they go out everyday?
    Where: Where do they go to eat and where do they purchase their food.
    Why: Why is it worth going out for lunch everyday?
    How: How do they feel about spending daily on food, or how do they feel when they walk out the door for lunch.

  66. Emma Wagner
    I have decided to write a story on traffic tickets.
    Who: Citizens of the city of Rochester NY who own cars.
    What: Interview people who have either received a parking ticket or redlight ticket.
    When: Talk to 3 people and get facts and circumstances of their tickets.
    Where: Where do these events occur.
    Why: do all these people get ticket are the in the same area or same method of getting a ticket.
    How: how do these people feel about getting these tickets.

  67. Miricle Ortiz

    I have decided to write a story about electronics

    Who: Students in the Rochester city school district.

    What: Talk to students about why electronics should be used on any type of free time.

    When: Any free time

    Where: Wherever someone uses electronics

    Why: Why not use it during free time?

    How: How can this be resolved between the students vs the staff and administrators ?
