Learning target: demonstration showing understanding of what a news lead is.
* matching assessment based upon the class readings from Wednesday and Thursday.
Upon completion of the test, everyone will assemble their folders for the senior exit interviews.
Take a red folder.
Collect you resume and cover letter
Print out your college essay.
Put these 3 items in the folder in the following order.
First: resume
Second: cover letter
Third: essay
Write your name in the top right corner, beginning with your last name in block letters (that means all capitals).
Model: SMITH, Joe
What if I didn't turn in my resume? cover letter? essay?
With the exception of Mr. Mergler's students, who must have their edited work to me by next Wednesday, this is a conversation Ms. Aspenleiter will have with you. This was assigned over a month ago; as well, we had class time. Moreover, this is a graduation requirement.
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