Today's work continues with quotations. This time you are simplifying, paraphrasing, using reported language and correcting 8 leads. Read carefully. Yours might not look like your neighbor's.
Learning Target: I can recognize and correct weak news leads and add in effective quotations.
Don't forget that you have a test on Monday. Everything you need to know is on yesterday's blog. No surprises. This goes into the 10% homework category. Since we usually only have a couple assignments here, do study.
Please remember that you have senior exit interviews from 2:30-5:30 on Wednesday, December 3. Make sure you have that afternoon free. Plan ahead!
FYI Holiday Dinners. Today's work follows the list.
Information Center
Central Library of Rochester
and Monroe County
115 South Avenue
Rochester, New York 14604-1896
Cameron Community Ministries (254-2697)
Thanksgiving dinner
48 Cameron Street
Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Christmas dinner, December 20, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Anyone in need is welcome
No carry-out
Cost: none
Community Lutheran Ministries, Inc. (338-2420)
Thanksgiving dinner
942 Joseph Avenue
Thanksgiving dinner, Saturday before Thanksgiving, November 22
Community Place of Greater Rochester (288-0021)
Thanksgiving dinner
145 Parsells Avenue
Thursday November 20, 4:00 – 6:00 PM
Area served 14609, parts of 14605, 14607, 14610, and parts of 14621
Cost: none
Open Door Mission (454-6696)
Thanksgiving dinner
Open Door Mission, 210 West Main Street
Thanksgiving Day November 27, 4:00 – 7:00 PM
Religious service 6:00 – 6:30 PM
Anyone in need is welcome
Cost: none
St. Martin’s Place (325-6500)
Thanksgiving dinner
St. Martin’s Place, 55 Ontario Street
Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Anyone in need is welcome
Come to the above address; reservations not necessary
Cost: none
St. Peter’s Kitchen (235-6511)
Thanksgiving dinner
Basement of Fairchild Place, behind church at 681 Brown Street
Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 12:00 -1:00 PM
Christmas Day 12:00 – 1:00 PM
Anyone in need is welcome
Come to the above address; reservations not necessary
No carry-out
Cost: noneSalvation Army (987-9500)
Thanksgiving dinner
100 West Avenue
70 Liberty Pole Way
Sunday November 23, service at 12:30 – 2:30 PM, with meal following
Anyone in need is welcome
Reservations not necessary
No Food Baskets for Thanksgiving
Cost: none
The following agencies are accepting applications for Thanksgiving food baskets for needy
families. An interview is required and clients must present the following documentation for proof
of eligibility: proof of income; identification for each family member, including social security
number; and photo identification for the head of household. Please note that services are limited
to areas listed. Call the agency for additional information.
Dimitri House (325-1796)
Food baskets
102 North Union Street
Serves 14604, 14605, 14607, and 14609
Call the above number beginning October 1
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday – Thursday
Baskets given on a first come, first served basis to qualified applicants. Cost: none
Irondequoit Community Cupboard (336-9107)
Food baskets
4275 Culver Road
by appointment only please call by November 9
Mission Share (368-0746)
Food Baskets
10 Cedarfield Commons
By appointment only please call
Rochester Bible Baptist Church (224-9030)
Food Baskets
274 Merchants Road
The Baskets are given on a first come, first serve basis to qualified participants. You must be
willing to attend church service which will be held on Sunday November 23, 2014, from 11 AM
until 1PM. Thanksgiving Baskets will be distributed immediately after the church service. If you
would like to sign up, please call 585-224-9030, Monday through Friday between 9:30 AM –
1PM, by October 24, 2014Rochester Family Mission (436-7523)
Food Baskets
388 Tremont Street
2012 Holiday Basket Sign-up
One time sign-up for both Thanksgiving and Christmas
Tuesday October 7, 9:00 – 11:30 AM , Zip codes: 14606, 14608, 14611, 14619
Wednesday October 8 and Thursday October 9, 9:00 – 11:30 AM (all Zip codes)
What to bring: 1. I.D., 2. Proof of residency, 3. Proof of income
Cost: none, first come, first serve
The following agencies are accepting applications for Christmas food baskets and/or toys
for needy families.
All agencies require an interview and clients must present the following documentation
for proof of eligibility: proof of income; identification for each family member, including social
security number; and photo identification, proof of current address for the head of household.
Not all agencies cover every area of the city; be sure to check each listing for Zip Codes
covered. For additional information, contact the appropriate agency at the number given.
Baden Street Settlement (325-4910 ext. 131 or 132)
Christmas food baskets and toys
152 Baden Street
Serves E. Ridge Road (north), Inner Loop (south), St Paul Street (west), Portland Avenue/Carter
Street (east); portions of 14605, 14604 and 14621
Apply at the above address between October 29 and December 1, 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM and 2:00 –
4:30 PM, Monday – Friday
Cost: none
Community Place of Greater Rochester (288-0021 and 327-7200)
Christmas food baskets
145 Parsells Avenue and 57 Central Park
Serves 14609, parts of 14605, 14607, 14610, and 14621
Cost: none
Community Place of Greater Rochester
Special Program for Children (288-0021)
Breakfast with Santa
145 Parsells Avenue
Saturday, December 13, 10:00 AM
Children ages 12 and under, and parents
Advanced registration is required. Call by December 1
Cost: $2.00 per personMaplewood Edgerton (MEEK) (458-4682)
Christmas food baskets
121 Driving Park Avenue
Serves 14613, 14615 and portions of 14608
Call the above number beginning November 17, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9:00 –
11:30 AM
Cost: none
Rochester Family Mission (436-7523)
Christmas food baskets and toys
388 Tremont Street
2012 Holiday Basket Sign-up
One time sign-up for both Thanksgiving and Christmas
Tuesday October 7, 9:00 – 11:30 AM , Zip codes: 14606, 14608, 14611, 14619
Wednesday October 8 and Thursday October 9, 9:00 – 11:30 AM (all Zip codes)
What to bring: 1. I.D., 2. Proof of residency, 3. Proof of income
Cost: none, first come first serve
Salvation Army (987-9500)
Christmas Assistance
100 West Avenue
Serves all of Monroe County
Apply at the above address between November 10 and 14. Monday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM,
Tuesday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Wednesday 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM, Thursday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM,
Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Christmas distribution: Food and Toy Shop December 16 and 17 (Starting at 9:00 AM
Food Baskets only December 18 (Starting at 9:00 AM
Cost: none
SWEM Community Services (235-4494)
Christmas food baskets
350 Chili Avenue (clients must call)
Serves 14428, 14514, 14546, 14559, 14606, 14608, 14611, 14614, 14619, parts of 14623 (west of
Genesee River), 14624
Call the above number between November 3 – 17, November 10 – 17, and November 17 – 21
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Monday – Friday
Cost: none
Togetherness in Love (224-2840)
Christmas food baskets and toys
1443 East Main Street
Serves all of Monroe County
To sign up come to the above address between October 31 and December 12, 9:30 – 11:30 AM
and 1:00 – 2:30 PM. Food baskets and toys distributed on December 16, beginning at 5:30 PM
Cost: noneDimitri House (325-1796)
Christmas food baskets and gifts (for children under 18)
102 North Union Street
Serves 14604, 14605, 14607 and 14609
Call the above number beginning October 31, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday – Thursday
Baskets are given on a first come first served basis to qualified applicants
Cost: none
Those who wish may donate money, food, or toys to the following:
Baden Street Settlement
Accepts donations of new unwrapped presents, toys, clothing and food baskets. Money
donations are also accepted. Make checks payable to Baden Street Holiday Fund and mail to 152
Baden Street, Rochester, NY 14605, Attn: Anne E. Miller. Items can be dropped off Monday –
Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM through December 15. For further information, call 325-4910, ext.
131 or 132
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Rochester Annual Christmas Appeal
Make checks out to Annual Christmas Appeal and mail to Catholic Charities of the Diocese of
Rochester, Christmas Appeal, 1150 Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY 14624
Catholic Family Center “Adopt a Family” Program
Matches families with a donor who provides Christmas dinner and gifts for each family
member. The deadline for donor applications is October 27. To “Adopt a Family,” call Bobbi
McGarrity at 232-2050
Central Library, Information Center. Mitten Tree
Accepts donations of mittens, gloves hats and scarves for children and adults. The tree will be
located on the first floor of the Bausch and Lomb Public Library Building, 115 South Avenue,
November 3 – December 14. Items will be donated to a local non-denominational agency
Community Place of Greater Rochester
Accepts donations of clothing, games, toys, food or money. Checks can be made out to
Community Place of Greater Rochester and sent in c/o Family Services Unit, 145 Parsells
Avenue, Rochester, NY 14609. Items cam be dropped off at the office through December 5 or
call 288-0021, for more information
Seeking Holiday Helpers to purchase gifts for clients in DePaul’s mental health residential and
treatment programs. Contact Amy Cavalier at (585) 719-3102 or at acavalier@depaul.org to be
matched with a holiday wish that includes an individual’s gender, age and size. Or, you can
donate generic items such as scarves, hats, gloves and personal care items. Monetary donations
are always welcome. Gifts should be dropped off by December 4, at 1931 Buffalo Road,
Rochester, NY 14624YWCA Adopt a Family Program
Donations needed for gifts to women taking part in YWCA’s Housing and teen program. For
more information, call 368-2261
Rochester Family Mission
Accepts donations of children’s gifts or non-perishable food items. Money donations are also
accepted. Checks should be made payable to Rochester Family Mission Holiday Project and
mailed to 388 Tremont Street, Rochester, NY 14608. For more information, call 436-7523
Dimitri House
Accepts donations of non-perishable food items or money. Make checks payable to Dimitri
House and mail to 102 North Union Street, Rochester, NY 14605. Items can be dropped off
Monday - Thursday, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM and 1:00 – 5:00 PM. For further information, call 325-
Hillside Family of Agencies
Seeking “Special Santas” to purchase gifts for youth and their familie4s enrolled in one of the
many programs or services offered by Hillside Family of agencies. To learn more about the
Hillside Special Santas program and the gift wishes of our youth, please visit
www.hillside.com/specialsantas or call 585-256-7630. Our deadline for gift donations is
December 15th this season. If shopping isn’t for you, checks can be made payable to “Hillside
Special Santas” and sent to Hillside Childrens Foundation, P.O. Box 1901, Albany, NY 12201-
01901. Thank you for your support of our youth and families during this time of year!
St. Joseph’s Villa Holiday Wishes Program
Accepts donations such as new generic gifts for children (infants to 20 yrs), new clothes, winter
apparel, board games. Monetary donations also accepted. Items can be dropped off before
December 5 at St. Joseph’s Villa 3300 Dewey Avenue. For further information, call Linda
McFarland at 865-1550, ext. 258
Third Presbyterian Church
Accepts donations of new toys and non-perishable food items. Items can be dropped off at the
church office, Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM, by December 8. Money donations also
accepted. Make checks payable to Third Presbyterian Church and mail to 4 Meigs Street,
Rochester, NY 14607. For further information call Rev. Rod Frohman 271-6537, ext. 106
Togetherness in Love
Accepts donations of new toys and non-perishable food items. Items can be dropped off at TILC
before December 15. Money donations are also accepted. Make checks payable to Togetherness
in Love and mail to 1443 East Main Street, Rochester, NY 14609. For further information, call
Toys for Tots (Salvation Army)
Groups in churches only need to send a request on letterhead stationary indicating the ages up to
12 and the gender of the children involved. Requests should be addressed to Major Charles
Dietrick, P.O. Box 4120, Rochester, NY 14604. To Adopt a Family call Chris Dinottia 987-9540,
ext 2233. Bell Ringers needed call 987-9500, ext. 2313. Volunteers needed for Angel Trees
Program, provides gifts to children and Toy Shop setup and distribution, call Rosemary Davis
ROCHESTER, NY 14604-1896
Major differences between academic writing and AP (Associated Press) Style
No reference list or in-text citations.
Small paragraphs: 1-2 sentences per paragraph.
Clear and concise writing. Avoid wordiness, long sentences,
difficult vocabulary and jargon.
AP Style allows contractions.
When paraphrasing information, attribute it to a source at the beginning or end of a
Example: Several factors could
determine how quickly a fire engulfs a resident’s room, Frederick said.
Important rule:
is always said.
use pointed
or any other verb that could be perceived as biased.
person’s name or a pronoun always precedes said.
attribute information that came from a source and is not general knowledge.
the quote is one sentence, attribution for direct quotes goes at the end of the
Example: “Shouting is not going to
help,” McCaskill said.
If the quote is more than one sentence, the attribution goes after the
first sentence and before the rest of the quote.
Example: “My job is to represent
the people of Missouri,” she said. “Period.”
INSTRUCTIONS: Rewrite the following quotations more simply as paraphrases. Also correct any errors in grammar, punctuation and Associated Press style.
- “To tell you the truth, I would, uh, I’d be disinclined to recommend buying any shares of General Motors at this, uh, present moment in time,” the financial planner said.
- “I want to tell you that, like, uh, you know man, what we’re aiming for is to get everybody to realize that, uh, suicide is never an acceptable option for anyone under any circumstances, not even like, uh, the terminally ill,” she said.
- “My brother was driving down this road and, uh, at first I didn’t know what happened. Like I wasn’t watching the road or nothing and didn’t know what the hell it was. Then, uh, so I looked out the back window and saw this kid lying all bloody and dead on the road. Then I knew what we’d hit,” he said.
- “In the end, there will be winners and losers in any sporting event, but the new rules on taunting are much needed to prevent winners from creating a negative atmosphere in sporting contests. Spiking a football in the end zone or raising one’s arms in triumph is one thing, but it is another, as many people on this panel have pointed out, to stand in front of someone taunting them or throwing the ball at them and cursing at them. Referees and officials need to control the game and these new rules are designed to help them do just that,” the commissioner of the NCAA said.
- “Although there have been advances in finding a vaccine for HIV, there are still too many cases worldwide and not enough effort by the industrialized nations to fund research to defeat this scourge. It will take the combined efforts of many nations to make the medical breakthroughs necessary to overcome this disease,” the representative of the World Health Organization said.
- Jeffrey R. Ahsonn said, “Fishing is a great sport enjoyed by millions of people, young and old. Like many people who learned to fish at a young age, my dad got me hooked on fishing—no pun intended. I can remember early mornings when fog still shrouded the lake or warm, lazy summer afternoons when my dad would grab his rod and reel and say, ‘Come on, son, it’s time to see if the fish are biting.’ I have such great memories of those times.”
- “I will never understand how any responsible legislature would pass, or any state representative or senator in their right mind would vote for, or any governor who would willingly sign legislation that would allow drivers of automobiles to drive without using seatbelts. I never, never in my life, thought that this state would consider repealing the state’s mandatory seatbelt laws. If any law was ever more effective in saving the lives of the state’s motorists, I have not seen it. This is, what can I say, insanity run wild,” the director of Mercy Hospital said today.
- “There is a greater likelihood that children living in a single-parent household that is headed by a male parent will have medical insurance than a single-parent household headed by a female parent. Research has found that 40 percent of children living with a male single parent have health insurance coverage while only 19% of children living with a female single parent have such coverage”. Said Health and Human Services spokesperson Jenna Olivetti.
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