REMEMBER: test Monday
The test will consist of explaining the key concepts and terms, plus short responses to the seven aspects of photography that follow. There is a substantial amount of reading.
Make sure you know the following: mugshot, cropping, scaling, proportionality, cutlines, including what should always be in them, if possible; what is important to a photojournalist as a camera, elements of a good photograph, AP policy on handling a photo, including what is allowed and what is not;limitations on censorship, impacts of digital photography, impact of photography on advertising; and photography and social change.
All reading can be found on the blog for Wednesday, April 8
Directions for your personal photo project can be found on the blog for Thursday, April 9.
All graphic organizers are due on Thursday, April 23. Remember that your prezi or power point should only have your image and a cutline.
In class today:
To begin: go to the George Eastman House site George Eastman House
We have one of the best photographic collections in the world literally around the corner. I would like you to become familiar with some of the early efforts in photography; as well, you will notice that there are links to museums around the world on the Google art project. This is a resource that can serve you well both in your personal life and during college.
Start working on your photo projects. Next week we'll look more closely at composition and techniques.
On the top right of the page, you will find the slide show button. Look at the slide show a couple of times. Go back to the page showing the complete collection and answer the following questions. For some, you might have to do a bit of quick research and make some thinking. Send along, as usual.
1. Who was Louis Jacques Daguerre and what did he invent?
2. On what is the image of Rollin Heber Neal printed?
3. For what is Muybridge's "Walking with a bucket in mouth" a precursor?
4. The "Photographers Tent at Fernadina" is a double print on cardboard known as a stereo card. These were inserted into a stereopticon. (I have one along, if you'd like to try it.) What was their purpose?
5. Let's see how much you remember! how is William Henry Jackson's "Mystic Lake" representative of American transcendentalism?
6. What is the message behind Hine's "Powerhouse Mechanic"?
7. Give two examples where the photographers were conveying social justice.
8. In "Wah Lum Chu, Canton", what is the message being conveyed about China and how does he establish this?
9. Give two examples that reflect a scientific view of nature in the 19th century and two that reflect an aesthetic perspective.
10. Look at Curtis' "On the Shores of a Clear Lake", Durieu's "Female Portrait" and Steiglitz's "Georgia O'Keefe". What have all three of these images in common?
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