Thursday, January 29, 2015

Friday, January 30 finishing up commercials

This is for you, Tim!

From Ms. Aspenleiter:

Students can go on and get a ton of volunteer suggestions.

Time is going quickly and there are SEVERAL who do not understand that Community Service hours are NOT optional and that they are MANDATORY for crossing the stage.

So folks, get with the program!

Back to Journalism.
The advertising project, which was assigned 10 days ago on Tuesday, January 20 is due this Monday. You have today to finish any of the writing or editing, as you wish. 
Please be mindful that you will not have access to the computers on Monday, as it is show time. I will collect all the writing at the beginning of class. Please have hard copies ready and not plan on "just printing." 

Incidentally, I have invited Ms. Pacheco to come view your projects/ presentations.

For anyone who needs a reminder of exactly what is due, here is a copy of the original post:

What exactly are you turning in on Monday, February 2?

1. A script. (This should include written descriptions of character, setting, dialogue and all production details. Do not be overly concerned with formatting.

2. An analysis paragraph of a minimum of 200 words that explains what and how you used two persuasive techniques and details of your target demographic. Make specific references to your commercial as textual evidence.

3. Reflection: An analysis paragraph of at least 200 words that addresses the process  (production techniques) and obstacles you might have encountered and what worked well. How might you have changed the experience? 

 How shall the assignment be graded?
Two written grades: 
1) Numerals 1 through 3 are worth 33 % each for a total of 100 points. (yes, I know that's not exactly accurate)
2) Commercial: 75/ 85 / 95 grading.
                    adheres to 60 second rule
                    incorporates the two persuasive techniques
                    demonstrates the use of 3 production techniques
                 is memorized and performed according to speech performance                         standards.

1.Script: character, setting, dialogue and all production details (check the list from the blog on Thursday, January 15) written out. (correct language conventions apply)

Persuasive Technique Paragraph: A well-written and supported paragraph explaining what two persuasive techniques you used and how they manifest themselves specifically in your commercial. (correct language conventions apply)

3.Reflection paragraph: how close did you come to achieving your goal? See above. (correct language conventions apply)

Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday, January 23 2nd blog response....last grade for this marking period.

Reminder: your advertisement projects are due on Monday, February 2.
 There will be no class time that day to work on your projects. Please have a printed copy to hand in. Don' t forget to upload your video or put it on a thumb drive.

You have the Friday before, January 30, for typing and editing. However, you will need to work on the project during midterm week.

Details of the assignment can be found on the blog for Tuesday, January 20. If you have questions, send me an e-mail.  HAVE FUN!

In class: great initial responses to yesterday's Ted Talk. Now in class, read through the blog posts and respond to three with a minimum of 75  words. 

If you have been told you must come in next week to make-up work for me, check the blog and send along the completed assignments. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Thursday, January 22 second blogging session

Reminder: your advertising projects are due on Monday, February 2...this is the presentation day. You will NOT have time to work on the writing or editing component. Please print out the written work ahead of time.

Andrew Solomon is a writer and lecturer on psychology, politics, and the arts; winner of the National Book Award; and an activist in LGBT rights, mental health, and the arts.

Please watch the Ted Talk below, entitled Love, No Matter What with Andrew Solomon. This link has subtitles. Note that the video is 21 minutes long.

When you have finished watching, please write a minimum 100 word response on any aspect of his presentation and post to the blog.  Make sure to first write your response on a word document.  Thank you.

Wednesday, January 21-- blogging day 2

If you were absent yesterday, make sure you check the directions for the advertising project.
Note to everyone: the project will be due on Monday, February, 2, not on the previous Friday.

Yesterday's original posts are closed.  If you were here, it is now too late. 

Moving on......

By the close of class:

Read through yesterday's blogs and respond to three of the original comments in a minimum of 50 words each.

Write the post as follows: from__________ to ______________. Write first on a word document and paste your response in. If you have trouble posting, send to me. However, if I do not know who from and to whom, you will not receive credit.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Tuesday, January 20 advertising project directions blogging day 1

No test on Production Techniques

Important information

 from Ms. Aspenleiter


SOTA wants to know ALL ABOUT YOU!

Between now and Winter Break Summer Adams, (a fellow Senior), will be asking to take a casual picture of YOU!

This picture will be going up on the TV in the foyer along with the information that you completed in the beginning of the school year.

We want SOTA to get to know YOU, 
What you liked about your time at SOTA, 
Your favorite teachers 
Your advice to the underclassmen.

If you have any questions, see Aspenleiter

Community Service

Seniors.....Before you know it Prom and Graduation will be here,

If you do not complete your mandatory 20 hours of Community Service you will NOT be allowed to go to PROM or CROSS THE STAGE.

This is NON-NEGOTIABLE!  You must get your hours DONE.

Suggestion: they will be able to hook you up with MANY different options.

If you have questions....See Aspenleiter

Advertising Project:

Individually, you will design your own commercial to present to the class. 

1. You may use anyone you wish in the commercial.
2. Your commercial may be live or filmed. 
3. You may advertise a product of your choice, or create your own product.
4. The length of your commercial should be approximately 1 minute. (up to 10 seconds over is fine, at which point you will lose 10 points.)
5. The material should be memorized. No script; however, to ad lib is fine.
6. Be creative. This project has great flexibility. You are demonstrating you understand how to persuade someone to buy a product or a concept (think of the India commercial). Avoid vulgarity.

On Monday, February 2 everyone is to turn in the following written material.

This will be the first  writing grade for marking period 3.
You may send this material along early, if so wish. However, after Monday, it will be worth only 50 points.

Please note that you will not have access to a computer on Monday, February 2 during class, as we are beginning presentations.  I suggest if you are filming to upload your commercial or put it on a thumb drive. Under no circumstances depend on your mail. 

What exactly are you turning in on Monday, February 2?

1. A script. (This should include written descriptions of character, setting, dialogue and all production details. Do not be overly concerned with formatting.

2. An analysis paragraph of a minimum of 200 words that explains what and how you used two persuasive techniques and details of your target demographic. Make specific references to your commercial as textual evidence.

3. Reflection: An analysis paragraph of at least 200 words that addresses the process  (production techniques) and obstacles you might have encountered and what worked well. How might you have changed the experience? 

 How shall the assignment be graded?
Two written grades: 
1) Numerals 1 through 3 are worth 33 % each for a total of 100 points. (yes, I know that's not exactly accurate)
2) Commercial: 75/ 85 / 95 grading.
                    adheres to 60 second rule
                    incorporates the two persuasive techniques
                    demonstrates the use of 3 production techniques
                 is memorized and performed according to speech performance                         standards.

1.Script: character, setting, dialogue and all production details (check the list from the blog on Thursday, January 15) written out. (correct language conventions apply)

2 Persuasive Technique Paragraph: A well-written and supported paragraph explaining what two persuasive techniques you used and how they manifest themselves specifically in your commercial. (correct language conventions apply)

3.Reflection paragraph: how close did you come to achieving your goal? See above. (correct language conventions apply)

In class; We are spending the rest of the week on a short blogging unit. 
We will read / watch a couple of controversial articles, beginning with the one below on gender and advertising. 
Before class tomorrow, please post on the blog a 50 word commentary. You may say what you wish, but be thoughtful and respectful. Make sure to begin with your name.
 Tomorrow, please read through the posts and respond directly to 3 people, by extending, challenging or concurring with their comment.
On Thursday, there will be another post.

By Friday, you should have a total of 8 posts: 2 from the original articles and 6 responses to other people.

Please read the following article on gender and advertising 
by Arwa Mahdawi, whose article appeared in The Guardian. 
 I have tried to pull up the ads and commercials which she 
references.  Take the time to look at them. As you read and 
watch, identify the gender cues, with the goal of writing a 
blog commentary appraisal as to how accurate 
Mahdawi's observations are and to what extent they are 
a reflection of society or contributor to the continuation 
of gender stereotypes.
Picture of Arwa Mahdawi
Guys, I have some dating advice for you. Blow smoke in a girl's face and she'll follow you anywhere! I haven't tested this myself but it comes from a Tipalet ad, so it must be true.
Tipalet Cigarettes
Before you all rush out to buy Tipalets, I should warn you that the ad in question is from the 1960s. The 50s and 60s being a time when it was culturally acceptable to say things like "men are better than women"
 and sell coffee with cheerful allusions to domestic violence. But attitudes have changed, and so have advertisements. Or have they?

Dr Pepper has just launched a new diet drink aimed at men, called Dr Pepper Ten. 
Because dudes apparently "don't drink diet", the brand is aggressively pushing the line that this is a soda for real men, with "no women allowed" There is a mucho macho TV spot and a Facebook app that blocks women and boasts such manly content as a top 10 list of "Man'Ments". Inevitably, there are people who have taken offence at these testosterone-heavy sales tactics. The Dr Pepper Facebook page has turned into a (hastily moderated) standoff between the offended and the amused. One comment reads: "I AM NOT A MAN AND WILL DRINK THIS. MU HAHAHAHA." Another states: "You need to re-evaluate your marketing campaign. You're right, Dr Pepper is not for women, I certainly will NEVER buy it again." Please. Calm down and turn caps-lock off. It is just an ad.
I work in advertising so I'm definitely biased. Nevertheless, it seems as if Madison Avenue is often accused of instigating all the world's woes. And this is unfair because advertising is, for the most part, a symptom rather than a cause. If a marketing campaign is to be effective it has to reflect the zeitgeist, to chime with social mores. Attitudes to gender in advertising track attitudes to gender in society. If they didn't, we wouldn't sell anything.
Over the last 60 years we've seen women move from fighting for basic gender equality to feeling a pressure to "have it all" to affecting a certain nostalgia for traditional, 1950s-style, gender roles. The same trend can be observed in advertising, where the Tipalet-style ads of the 50s and 60s gave way to manifestos for female empowerment such as Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty, which then gave way to, well, things like this Dr Pepper effort.
 Which, by the way, seems like it was copy written by Germaine Greer when you compare it with a recent Brut ad from Australia where men are encouraged to "spot and share" hot women.
(this is similar; you'll get the idea)
Take, even, the recent Gisele campaign, which was banned in Brazil for being sexist. The ads, for lingerie company Hero, showed a woman getting away with things like crashing her husband's car because when she 'fesses up, it's in her underwear. One rather livid Comment is free contributor wrote: "Essentially, women are taught to use their charm and sexy lingerie to control their husbands. Sigh."
(Here's a short commentary on the Gisele ad)

Sigh all you want, but all the ad was doing was reflecting an incontrovertible cultural truth. Indeed, in a recent article in Prospect magazine, LSE academic Catherine Hakim coined the phrase "erotic capital" to capture the very same idea that Gisele was trying to sell Hero underwear with: that being attractive and likeable carry greater equity than a college degree.
All this is not to say that the advertising industry is simply a slave of popular culture and bears no responsibility when it comes to changing attitudes, be they about sex, sexuality or race. Advertising certainly has the power and the responsibility to effect real behavioral and attitudinal change – whether that's as small as turning "simples" into schoolyard slang, or as big as normalising different models of family.
(alternative family)
 Nevertheless, at its heart, advertising is less a catalyst of social change and more a mirror. So if we're looking at that mirror and not liking what we see then the blame may not lie with Dr Pepper or even ad execs, but with our society as a whole.
Gosh. All this is now a little too much for my female head. I'm off to blow smoke in someone's face and see what happens
.What if gender roles were reversed?  WATCH!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thursday/ Friday January 15/16 production techniques

The following opportunity for an internship was sent over from Channel 10 news.  Check it out, if you are seriously interested in a career in journalism.

In class: quiz on persuasive techniques in advertising for anyone who did not take it yesterday.

Production Techniques in advertising

Learning Targets: I can cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text
says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.
   I can analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the structure an author uses in his or her exposition or argument, including whether the structure makes points clear, convincing and engaging.

Familiarize yourself with the following production techniques for a quiz on Tuesday. Same matching format as previously. Note that this material will be applicable in our photojournalism unit, as well. (suggestion: flash cards)

 We have covered the rhetorical devices of ethos, logos, and pathos, as well as various persuasive techniques. The media effects in an advertisement can convey just as much meaning, though, and it is important for us to understand these production techniques in order to separate style from substance and determine how we are being persuaded. Advertisers use the power of visual elements when selling their product. A message can be delivered through the music, color, or framing of the shots. 

1. camera angle: angle at which the camera is positioned during a shot; high-angle shots make a product look small, while low-angle shots make a product appear larger

2. color: used to convey meanings, associations, or feelings; for example, the color white is often associated with purity, while red is associated with warmth and energy

3. copy: printed text in advertisements; copy can include catchy phrases, factual information, or persuasive language intended to have an emotional impact

4. editing: selection and arrangement of camera shots for a TV ad; each shot is selected and arranged to create a persuasive effect

5. framing: position of a product and objects within the “frame” of a screen or an image; arrangement of objects can convey ideas and relationships

6. layout: design and arrangement of the text and visual elements in a print ad; advertisers consider the size of visuals; amount of copy; and placement of the product, logo, and slogan

7. lighting: deliberate use of light and shadow to create mood or suggest certain feelings; for example, ads for greeting cards often use soft lighting and no shadows to match the warmth and happiness that cards bring to recipients

8. slogan: memorable phrase used in a series of ads; viewers remember the slogan and associate it with the product

9. special effects: computer-generated animation, manipulated video images, and fast and slow motion used in TV ads; special effects are often used to capture viewers’ attention or make products look more exciting

10. jingle: short, catchy tune used in TV and radio ads; usually mention the product name or its benefits; effective jingles remain in people’s memories long after the ad is over, and some become part of popular culture.

11. music: popular songs or original compositions created specifically for an ad or a product; advertisers select music that will enhance the image of the product or appeal to the target audience; for example, classical music can convey a sophisticated image

12. sound effects: sounds added to ads during the editing process, such as the sound of crunching potato chips or the bubbling sound of soda being poured; effect is to make viewers thirsty or hungry for the product

13. voice-over: unseen comme
ntator or narrator of a TV ad or radio spot; sometimes, actors with memorable voices deliver the voice-overs for ads

In class Thursday after quiz / due by the end of class on Friday.  Below are  8 commercials, some of which advertise ideas. This time the focus is on production techniques. Read through and refer back to the production techniques listed above, so that they become familiar to you. 

For each of the following commercials, write a paragraph of a minimum of 50 words that shows how at least three of the techniques are employed. Use must use specific evidence from the commercial for support. Note that you will need ear buds and should probably watch each of these a couple of times, pausing as needed.

4.  vaccines     

5. . New York tourism

6. jello pudding---contemporary thoughts?

7. Doritos

8..chapstick   student made commercial