Friday, December 12, 2014

Monday, December 15 in class essay comparing interview techniques

In class today:  As stated last week, you are writing a compare / contrast essay as

 to the techniques used in the Malcolm X 

and Elvis Costello or Adolf Hitler


Assignment: Compare (that is similarities) and contrast 
(that is differences) of the two interviewing techniques used in interviewing Malcolm X and Elvis Costello or Adolf Hitler, noting their effectiveness and types of questions that are asked...or implied by the responses...and how the interviewers respond to their subjects.  You may only use your notes. The length should be approximately 300 words.

Send the completed essay along by midnight, along with your notes. The essay counts as a writing grade (50% category), whilst the notes are a participation (40% category).

Tomorrow you will begin your interviews. I am assigning partners. If you are not here, you will not have an alternate assignment.  On Wednesday, I will be taking your picture, which will be posted with the interview about you.

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