Monday, December 1, 2014

Tues, Dec 2 senior exit interview practice day 1

Ms. Woodhams has asked me to share the following with you re the senior exit interview.

Dear Senior:

Senior Exit Interviews are a mandatory graduation requirement.  This year Senior Exit Interviews will take place at School of the Arts on Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014.  You will be excused from your class at 2:20 pm to gather in the Ensemble Theatre in preparation for your interview.   Interviews will run between 2:30-5 PM and it is very important that you are available during this time.  Your actual interview will be no longer than 15 minutes and you may leave when your interview is over.   Please remember that your interview cannot be rescheduled and that transportation will have to be made by you if you do not plan on taking RTS home.

The expectation is that all Seniors will be dressed professionally and be prepared to answer questions about their resumes, cover letters, college essays, future plans and their education at SOTA.  You will be expected to carry on conversation with your interviewer discussing not only you but topics that might be brought up in conversation.  Below you will find some suggestions:

1.  When walking to meet your interviewer, smile and put your hand out to shake their hand.
2.  Eye to eye contact is key to a good interview.
3.  Speak clearly
4.  When possible ask valuable questions of your interviewer, they are bringing a great deal of
     experience to your interview, go ahead and inquire about their jobs or schooling.
5.  Shake their hand and thank them for their time upon completion of your interview.  Remember
     that these interviewers are freely giving of their time because they want to get to know you and
     be a part of this experience with you; however they will be taking from their professional work
     day to be at SOTA and a part of YOUR Senior Exit Interview.

You never get a second chance to make a first impression!! 
Let them see how incredibly AWESOME you are!!

Thank you,

Jo Ann Aspenleiter                                         Susan Woodhams

Jo Ann Aspenleiter                                         Susan Woodhams
Asst. Principal                                                 Senior Class Advisor
School of the Arts                                           School of the Arts          
(585)242-7682 ext. 1792                                (585)242-7682 ext. 8022

Learning Target: I can gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources and  assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the task, purpose, and audience.

To begin, please take the following pre assessment on professional attire. This is for your own knowledge.  When we have finished today's class, re read your responses. How have they changed? (class handout / copy below)

1.      What is the basic criterion in selecting appropriate attire for any occasion?

2.                  What types of shoes are always inappropriate for an interview?

3.      What types of shirts are most appropriate for men?

4.      How does a man determine how much facial hair he should have for an interview?

5.                  What type of jewelry is appropriate for men and women?

6.                   Why should business women not use television as people to emulate when interviewing.

7.               What colors are most appropriate for women to wear to an interview?

8.               How should women utilize make-up when heading to an interview?

9.               What type of shirt or sweater should you wear to demonstrate that you are serious in 
            applying for  a job?

10.           What type of pocketbooks / purses are inappropriate for a job interview and why?

11.           How should men decide whether or not to wear a tie?

12.           Men, what determines your sock length?

13.           Men, if you decide that a polo shirt is appropriate, how should it be worn?

14.           Ladies, you have a closet full of shoes, how do you decide what pair to select for that all  
                  important interview?

15.           Ladies, under what circumstances is a slit skirt acceptable?

One out of three men and women sabotage their success because of inadequate preparation or these avoidable business etiquette mistakes.
Note that it is not unusual to have a meet-up at a coffee shop for a college interview.
 Remember that this is not about the food, but about your social skills. 
Twenty Most Common Etiquette Mistakes
Sloppy written materials
Extreme nervousness
No advance preparation
Exaggeration or inconsistency
Inappropriate dress
Unprofessional image
Lack of self-confidence
Late arrival
Inability to communicate strengths & skills
Negative or indifference attitude
Profanity, sexist or racist language
Limp or overly aggressive handshake
Arrogance or rude behavior
Poor eye contact
Embarrassing dining skills
Negative body language
Lack of career direction
Inappropriate conversational topics
Failure to follow up

Business casual guidelines for men and women

1. Business casual is crisp, neat, and should look appropriate even for a chance meeting with a CEO. It should not look like cocktail or party or picnic attire. Avoid tight or baggy clothing; business casual is classic rather than trendy.

2. Basics:
Khaki pants, neatly pressed, and a pressed long-sleeved, buttoned solid shirt are safe for both men and women.  Polo/golf shirts, unwrinkled, are an appropriate choice if you know the environment will be quite casual, outdoors or in a very hot location. This may not seem like terribly exciting attire, but you are not trying to stand out for your cutting edge look, but for your good judgment in a business environment.

3. Shoes / belt:
Wear a leather belt and leather shoes. Athletic shoes are inappropriate.

4. Cost / quality:
You are not expected to be able to afford the same clothing as a corporate CEO. However, do invest in quality that will look appropriate during your first two or three years on the job for a business casual environment or occasions. (Do not rule out quality consignment shops.)

5. Details:
Everything should be clean, well pressed, and not show wear.  Even the nicest khakis after 100 washings may not be your best choice for a reception. Carefully inspect new clothes for tags, and all clothes for dangling threads, etc. (as with interview attire).

6. Use common sense
If there are six inches of snow on the ground and/or you are rushing to get to an information session between classes and you left home 12 hours earlier, no one will expect you to show up looking ready for a photo shoot — they'll just be happy you made it.  Just avoid wearing your worst gym clothes and jeans.  If you show up at an event and realize you're not as well dressed as you should be, make a quick, pleasant apology and make a good impression with your interpersonal skills and intelligent questions.

7. Specifics for men's business casual

Ties are generally not necessary for business casual, but if you are in doubt, you can wear a tie. It never hurts to slightly overdress; by dressing nicely, you pay a compliment to your host. You can always wear the tie and discreetly walk by the room where the function is held; if no one else is wearing a tie, you can discreetly remove yours.

8. Shirts:
Long-sleeved shirts are considered dressier than short-sleeved and are appropriate even in summer. Choosing white or light blue solid, or conservative stripes is your safest bet. Polo shirts (tucked in, of course) are acceptable in more casual situations.

9. Socks:
Wear dark socks, mid-calf length so no skin is visible when you sit down.

10. Shoes:
Leather shoes should be worn. No sandals, athletic shoes or hiking boots. (And if you are a vegan, there are excellent looking faux dress shoes.)

11. Facial hair:
Just as with interviews: Facial hair, if worn, should be well-groomed. Know your industry and how conservative it is; observe men in your industry if you are unsure what's appropriate or are considering changing your look.

12. Jewelry:
Wear a conservative watch.  If you choose to wear other jewelry, be conservative. Removing earrings is safest. For conservative industries, don't wear earrings. Observe other men in your industry to see what is acceptable.

13. Specifics for women's business casual

Don't confuse club attire with business attire. If you would wear it to a club, you probably shouldn't wear it in a business environment. Also, most attire worn on televison is not appropriate for business environments. Don't be deluded.

14. Pants / skirts:
Women can wear casual pants or skirts. Neither should be tight. Fabrics should be crisp; colors should generally be solid; navy, black, gray, brown and khaki are always safe bets. For the most business-like appearance, pants should be creased and tailored; neither extreme of tight or flowing. If you are pursuing a conservative industry and are in doubt, observe well-dressed women in your industry on the job, at career fairs, at information sessions, etc.

15. Skirt length and slits:
Your skirt should come at least to your knees while you are standing. While you are seated, your thighs should be covered. If your skirt comes to just below the knee, a slit to just above the knee might be acceptable. A very long skirt should not be slit to above the knee. Generally slits in the center back of a skirt — to facilitate walking a stair climbing — are acceptable. Slits to facilitate a view of your legs are not appropriate for business purposes. Slips should not be visible.

16. Shirt / sweaters:
In addition to tailored shirts or blouses, tailored knit sweaters and sweater sets are appropriate business casual choices for women. Cotton, silk, and blends are appropriate. Velvets and shimmery fabrics suitable for parties are not appropriate. Fit should not be tight. Cleavage is not appropriate to business and job search occasions.

17. Jewelry / accessories:
Wear a conservative watch.  Jewelry and scarf styles come and go. Keep your choices simple and leaning toward conservative. Avoid extremes of style and color. If your industry is creative, you may have more flexibility than someone pursuing a conservative industry.

18. Cosmetics:
Keep makeup conservative and natural looking. A little is usually better than none for a polished look. Nails should be clean and well groomed. Avoid extremes of nail length and polish color, especially in conservative industries.

19. Shoes:
Should be leather or fabric / microfiber. Appropriate colors are black, navy and brown (to coordinate with your other attire and accessories); white and pastels are not appropriate. For the most conservative look, toes should be covered. Sandals which are neither extremely dressy or extremely casual might be appropriate. Thin straps and high heels are not appropriate. Chunky heels and platforms are not apropriate. Make certain you can walk comfortably in your shoes; hobbling around a job fair in shoes that are pinching your feet does not convey a professional image.

20. Hose:
Not essential for business casual, but are recommended if your skirt is knee length (rather than calf length) and in more formal environments such as hotels.

21. Purse / bag:
If you carry a purse, keep it small and simple, or carry a small briefcase or business-like tote bag in place of a purse. A structured bag tends to look more professional that something soft or floppy. Purse/bag color should coordinate with your shoes. A briefcase is certainly not necessary for most business casual events. Leather, microfiber and fine wovens are appropriate. Canvas and straw are not appropriate.

22. Grooming tips for men and women

Should be clean and neat.

Should be in polished condition.  Make sure heels are not worn.

No missing buttons, no lint; and don’t forget to remove external tags and tacking stitches from new clothes.

23. Hands:
Clean fingernails.

Clothes should be clean, neatly pressed, and fit properly, neither tight nor baggy.

Perfume or cologne should be used sparingly or not at all.
No odors on clothes.
Don't smell like smoke.

24. Padfolios:
Preferred over a bulky briefcase. A small briefcase is also appropriate, but if you have no reason to carry a briefcase, don't; you risk looking silly.

Appropriate to carry to an information session held on campus (after all, you are a student). For career fairs and job fairs, bookbags are generally checked at the door, and you should carry a padfolio only.
Don't carry a bookbag to an event held at a formal interview.

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