Tuesday, December 16, 2014

TuesdayFriday December 16-19 peer interview questions, interviews and write-ups

Today you are to create six open-ended questions much as you did with the historical figure last week. These will be used as a framework to scaffold your interview. The actual interview will be much more extensive, as you will respond to your partner. Before conducting the interview, I need to check your questions. 
On Wednesday, you will conduct the interview and write it up in class on Thursday and Friday. Take your time. Be very mindful of language conventions. I will be posting these on the blog with a photo of the person you interviewed. Your name will be listed as the author.  Have fun.
The interviewing technique you are using is the essay format, much in the style of the Costello or Hitler. Reread these, if necessary. You are not writing up the interview as a q and a. Take your time. Let the conversations evolve.

Here again are the types of questions. Again, write these out and show them to me to check over. Remember that they should be sophisticated questions. Ideas to explore: if questions? How do you imagine questions? What do you consider to be?  How would you handle? Tell me about...  What do you admire about? Assuming....   Knowing that...

Wednesday: interview your partner.   Take copious notes. Include some quotes.
should take about 20 minutes each.

Thursday and Friday: write up the interview. I suggest 
you anchor yourself with the essay format of the Costello interview. 
This is not a Q and A format.

All interviews are due to me by the end of the day on Friday. Send along.

If you are here on Tuesday, but anticipate being absent on Wednesday, 
get your partner's phone / email or arrange a time outside of class. All
work is due by the end of class on Friday.  
Period 3
Summer     Victoria
Jamellah   Tahmir
Dynesha    Elaine
Angelica    Nadine
Tahmir       Maritza
Sidney       Nick
Nickki         Khamphasong
Philip          Jaida
Morgan      Concetta
Kate           Hannah

Period 5

Lauryl      Nate
Samiya     Tessa
Lily            Simon
Veronica   Alexis
Carly         Michael
Mystique   Ethan
Nathan      Deja
Julia          Phalyn
Jackson   Shelby
Duncan    Jasmine
Molly        Rachel
Jacob       Heidi
De' one    Enuma

Period 9
Alice    Elizabeth
Abram  Joyce
Maya    Zach
Seyvion   Tim
Shakeiya  Claire
Chloe      Clarissa
Jeremiah  Emma
Alison       Britany
Adi           Darren
emma        Shantia
Laura      Taylor
Aleigha    Gina

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